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I created some patch with cctv.
OSD timestamp
Updated to MPlayer r31760 (2010.07.21)
patch -p0 -i osdtime.patch
mplayer tv:// -osdtime "bl_Camera1 %Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S" [options]
mencoder tv:// -osdtime "bl_Camera1\t%Y.%m.%d\%H:%M:%S" [options]
- -osdtime [b|t[r|c|l]]_<format string> (eg.: "bc_%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Cam1")
| Align: |
| _ | : bottom-left (default) |
| b_ | : bottom-left |
| t_ | : top-left |
| bl_ | : bottom-left |
| bc_ | : bottom-center |
| br_ | : bottom-right |
| tl_ | : top-left |
| tc_ | : top-center |
| tr_ | : top-right |
| |
| Format string: |
| \\ | : '\' |
| \" | : '"' |
| \_ | : ' ' (space) |
| \t | : switch horizontal align: left -> center -> right -> left ... |
| \r | : switch vertical align: top -> bottom -> top ... (restore vertical align) |
| \n | : New line (restore vertical align) |
| %Y | : Year (4 digit) |
| %m | : Month (decimal number) |
| %d | : Day (decimal number) |
| %H | : Hour (24h) |
| %S | : Minutes |
| %M | : Second |
| | other format: see man strftime |
- -osdtime-hmargin (0-100) : Set horizontal (left and right) margin in pixel (default: 10).
- -osdtime-vmargin (0-100) : Set vertical (top and bottom) margin in pixel (default: 10).
OSD timestamp samples:
-osdtime "bl_%Y.%m.%d\tCam\_1\t%H:%M:%S" | -osdtime "bc_Cam\_1\t%Y.%m.%d\n\t%H:%M:%S" |
-osdtime "tl_%Y.%m.%d\r%H:%M:%S" | |
Version: 20061030
Best regards! Ötvös Attila.
2010.07.21 |